Event Title: Light up Mobridge | Christmas House Decorating Contest
Date: 12-08-2023 to 12-17-2023
Time: Registration is OPEN now!
You must live in Mobridge to be in the contest!
The list of registered homes will be posted on the Mobridge Chamber of Commerce Facebook page from December 15th - 17th.
Everyone who is participating is asked to have their porch light OFF and their Christmas lights on for judging from 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm each night.
1st Place - $250 in Mobridge Bucks
2nd Place - $150 in Mobridge Bucks
3rd Place - $100 in Mobridge Bucks
Registered homes will be posted live on facebook with winners announced on Monday, December 18th at Noon
To register, please click: HERE!
No Results to Display.
Visitors Center
212 N Main St
Mobridge, SD 57601
(605) 845-2500
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