Annual Events Overview

Mobridge Ice Fishing Tournament - in January

Taking place in early January the Mobridge Ice Fishing Tournament consists of a field of over 525 two-person teams, making it the largest ice fishing tournament in the state of South Dakota. Combining this with the over $225,000 in cash and prizes the Mobridge Ice Fishing Tourament has become well-known across the country.

Click here for more information on the Mobridge Ice Fishing Tournament

Mobridge Ice Fishing Tournament Facebook Page

"I Hate Winter" Cornhole Tournament - 1st Weekend in March (postponed for 2023)

The "I Hate Winter" Cornhole Tournament is hosted in the Scherr-Howe Event Center the first weekend in March. This tournament started for two reasons. Firstly, although close to spring, March can be notoriously harsh in Northern South Dakota; secondly, cornhole is a midwest favorite. Put the two together and you come up with an event which allows us to enjoy the great game of cornhole while the snow is still around.

Registration for the tournament opens around mid-January each year.

Register for the "I Hate Winter" Cornhole Tournament

Denny Palmer Fishing Tournament - 2nd Saturday in June

The Denny Palmer Memorial Walleye Classic began in 2010 to honor a Mobridge local Dennis "Denny" Palmer who loved the community and Lake Oahe.

The Denny Palmer Memorial Tournament is a one-day tournament and is a part of the Northern Oahe Walleye Championship series. The tournament can host up to 115 boats and pays the top 15 placing teams with first receiving a guaranteed $7,500. Registration for the Denny Palmer opens in mid-February each year.

Learn more about the Denny Palmer Memorial Walleye Classic

Register for the Denny Palmer Fishing Tournament

Sitting Bull Stampede PRCA Rodeo - July 2, 3, 4

The Sitting Bull Stampede is a PRCA sanctioned rodeo which has been a staple of Mobridge since its inauguration in 1945. In recent years the Rodeo has grown significantly which has accounted for a brand-new video board, grandstands, concessions, and ticket booth. The top cowboy and cowigrl talents in the nation make their way to Mobridge each year to participate in the action!

Accompanying the Rodeo are multiple other events which include: a carnival, parade, and live concert.

Learn more about the Sitting Bull Stampede Rodeo

Arts in the Park and Crazy Days ! - 1st Saturday in August

Arts in the Park is a great time to get out to City Park and support our great local retailers, organizations, and entrueprenuers all while shopping great deals! Registration to be a vendor for Arts in the Park is opens at the begining of each new year.

Register to be an Arts in the Park Vendor!

Mobridge Fall Festival Weekend - 2nd Weekend in September

Formerly "Beef 'N Fun Weekend" the Mobridge Fall Festival Weekend is an annual Mobridge tradition that celebrates a crucial contributor to our state and local economies. The festival began in 1977, and while some of the activities involved have transformed, a majority of them have remained the same. 

Featured weekend activities include a Harvest Festival, Car Show, and Inflatables for kids. 

Learn more about Mobridge Fall Festival Weekend.

Fall Craft Fair - in October

The Fall Craft Fair is a great way to kick off the beginning of the brisk months. The Fair takes place in Downtown Mobridge and is indoors at the Scherr-Howe Event Center. All kinds of vendors are welcome to participate in this popular event!

Downtown businesses and restaurants are also a brisk walk away if you would want to do a bit more local shopping or great a delicious bite to eat.

Register for a vendor spot in the Fall Craft Fair

Trunk or Treat - October 31 (Halloween)

Trunk or Treat is an event that has gained nationwide popularity and has most recently been adopted by the Mobridge Community in 2019. Mobridge's Trunk or Treat consists of local businesses decorating the trunk of a vehicle, parking in a central location, and allowing children to "trunk" or treat from vehicle to vehicle. While a relatively new event to Mobridge, Trunk or Treat has only grown and the Chamber only wants to make it better.

The Annual Trunk or Treat event takes place in the High School parking lot from 5 - 6:30pm.

Register your business to participate in Trunk or Treat


Downtown retailers Holiday Open House - in November

Stroll through our downtown retailer shops and save with deep discounted items.   Select stores offer "Ladies Night" on Friday evening offering sweet treats and drinks while you shop and visit.  


Search for Santa Scavenger Hunt - December

This is a fun event for children to wonder through businesses looking for our hidden elves and santa.  Take their pictures and enter for some awesome prizes.  




News & Updates

2025 Series of Events
Posted on 01-07-2025

Posted on 01-06-2025

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Visitors Center
212 N Main St
Mobridge, SD 57601

(605) 845-2500
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Upcoming Events

Mobridge Moose Lodge Bingo

01-08-2025 to 04-30-2025

Masonic Poutine Brigade

01-26-2025 to 05-31-2025

Rotary Schedule

01-26-2025 to 12-31-2025

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Featured Chamber Members

Cornerstone Community Church


1510 North Main St
Mobridge SD 57601
Phone: 605-845-7779
View Website
Full Information


Cornerstone Community Church

Deacons: Vern Fritz & Eugene Brockel

1510 North Main St
Mobridge SD 57601
Phone: 605-845-7779
View Website


9:30 AM- Sunday School

10:30 AM- Worship Service & Children's Worship

7:00 PM- Evening Bible Study


7:00 PM- Prayer Meeting & Bible Study

Pheasant Cove Outfitters


101 5th Ave
Glenham SD 57631
Phone: (605) 762-3325 or (605) 848-0341
View Website
Full Information


Pheasant Cove Outfitters

Carol Schlomer

101 5th Ave
Glenham SD 57631
Phone: (605) 762-3325 or (605) 848-0341
View Website

Pheasant Cove Outfitters

Welcome to some of South Dakota's finest pheasant hunting! Hunt wild and game preserve pheasants on thousands of acres of grass and farmland. With all-inclusive packages and 20+ years of professional guide experience, you're sure to have a good time!

We've served hunters from all across the United States!. View Hunting Packages

If you will be arriving by private jet or airplane, consider flying into Mobridge Municipal Airport (MBG), which is about seven miles from The Pheasant Cove and Pheasant Cove Outfitters. ( AirNav Website: )

If arriving by commercial airline, here are the closest airports to Pheasant Cove Outfitters in Glenham, South Dakota:

Visit Pheasant Cove Outfitter's Facebook Page

Email Pheasant Cove Outfitters

Call Pheasant Cove Outfitters

(605) 762-3325 or (605) 848-0341

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Upcoming Events


49th Annual Mobridge Area Art Show - 2025

04-12-2025 to 04-13-2025

12:00PM - 5:00pm


National Coin Week

04-20-2025 to 04-26-2025

Display Open Monday - Friday @ Chamber Office

News & Updates

2025 Series of Events

Posted on 01-07-2025

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Posted on 01-06-2025

01/06/2025 updates on the Ice Fishing Tournament Raffles and Ice Conditions...

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