Central Diesel Sales
Q. Who's in charge of Bonus Buck distribution?
A. The Mobridge Area Chamber of Commerce is in charge of distribution. If you have questions on your Bonus Bucks that aren't answered here, please feel free to call 605-845-2500 or email info@mobridge.org.
Q. What are Bonus Bucks?
A. Bonus bucks are a local currency. They can be spent just like cash at any Mobridge Area Chamber member business. For a list of all of our Chamber members click: HERE!
Q. When can I use them?
A. You can use Mobridge Bucks / Bonus Bucks any time of the year! They make great gifts for folks who are hard to shop for, wonderful holiday bonuses for employees, and a great alternative to gift certificates. Bonus Bucks do have expiration dates, though. If you have Bonus Bucks that you won't be able to use by your expiration date, visit the Mobridge Area Chamber before they expire to exchange them for newer bucks. Please contact the Chamber if you have expired bonus bucks you don't know what to do with.
Q. Where can I use them?
A. You can use them at any Mobridge Area Chamber member business. They are used just like cash, so you can use them to pay for any services or products that you want to purchase.
Q. Where can I purchase them?
A. You can purchase Bonus Bucks at the Mobridge Area Chamber of Commerce at 212 N Main St. in Mobridge, SD. Our hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Q. Why do these Bonus Bucks exist?
A. Bonus Bucks are a great way to support buying locally. When you buy locally, more of each dollar stays in our community--whether it's paid in wages to the cashier who helped you, used by a retail store to purchase local services or products, or collected as local sales tax revenue. A gift of Bonus Bucks keeps giving back to our local communities even after it's spent!
Q. Are there any other 'bonuses' to Bonus Bucks?
A. You are also helping support Chamber member businesses. When a business joins the Chamber of Commerce, this tells everyone the business owners care about the success of our local economy and support the events and programs we provide. Using Bonus Bucks is one way to say 'thank you to these businesses.
Visitors Center
212 N Main St
Mobridge, SD 57601
(605) 845-2500
Email Us
01-08-2025 to 04-30-2025
01-26-2025 to 05-31-2025
01-26-2025 to 12-31-2025
28731 E. Hwy 12
Mobridge SD 57601
Phone: 605-845-3902
Full Information
Northwest Beverage, Inc
Michael Jerome Jr.
28731 E. Hwy 12
Mobridge SD 57601
Phone: 605-845-3902
Fax: 605-845-3882
Northwest Beverage is part of the Beer, Wine, and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers Industry.
Hours of operations:
Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: CLOSED
418 W. Grand Crossing
Mobridge SD 57601
Phone: (605) 845-3488
Full Information
4J's Suites
Judy Fiddler
418 W. Grand Crossing
Mobridge SD 57601
Phone: (605) 845-3488
4J's Suites is a privately owned apartment located at 418 W. Grand Crossing in Mobridge, SD. The apartment features 2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, living room, dining room, and kitchen complete with all necessay appliances. Apartment can comfortably sleep up to six.
Apartment includes parking that may accomodate boats and other trailers.
Nightly pricing varies between $50 - $100 per night. To book this suite please call Judy at (605) 845-3488.
01/06/2025 updates on the Ice Fishing Tournament Raffles and Ice Conditions...